I. noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old English disc plate, from Latin discus quoit, disk, ~, from Greek diskos, from dikein to throw Date: before 12th century 1. a more or less concave vessel from which food is served, the contents of a ~ , 2. food prepared in a particular way, something one particularly enjoys ; cup of tea , 3. a. any of various shallow concave vessels, a directional receiver having a concave usually parabolic reflector, the state of being concave or the degree of concavity, 4. something that is favored , an attractive or sexy person, gossip 2a , II. verb Date: 14th century transitive verb to put (as food for serving) into a ~, present , to make concave like a ~, to disclose or discuss especially publicly , to pass (a basketball) to a teammate, intransitive verb gossip , to pass a basketball to a teammate
Meaning of DISH in English
Merriam Webster. Explanatory English dictionary Merriam Webster. Толковый словарь английского языка Мерриам-Уэбстер. 2012