Meaning of DISH in English


Pronunciation: ' dish

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English, from Old English discovered plate, from Latin discus quoit, disk, dish, from Greek diskos, from dikein to throw

Date: before 12th century

1 a : a more or less concave vessel from which food is served b : the contents of a dish <a dish of strawberries>

2 a : food prepared in a particular way b : something one particularly enjoys : CUP OF TEA

3 a (1) : any of various shallow concave vessels broadly : anything shallowly concave (2) : a directional receiver having a concave usually parabolic reflector especially : one used as a microwave or radar antenna b : the state of being concave or the degree of concavity

4 a : something that is favored <entertainment that is just his dish > b : an attractive or sexy person

5 : GOSSIP 2A <the latest dish >

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