Meaning of PLUMP in English

I. verb Etymology: Middle English Date: 14th century intransitive verb to drop, sink, or come in contact suddenly or heavily , to favor or decide in favor of someone or something strongly or emphatically, transitive verb to drop, cast, or place suddenly or heavily, to give support and favorable publicity to, II. noun Date: 15th century a sudden plunge, fall, or blow, III. adverb Date: 1594 with a sudden or heavy drop, 2. straight down, straight ahead, without qualification ; directly , IV. noun Etymology: Middle English ~e Date: 15th century group , flock , V. verb Etymology: 6~ Date: 1533 transitive verb to make ~, intransitive verb to become ~, VI. adjective Etymology: Middle English, dull, blunt, from Middle Dutch plomp Date: 1569 having a full rounded usually pleasing form , ample , abundant , ~ish adjective

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