Meaning of SHOWER in English

I. noun Etymology: Middle English shour, from Old English scūr; akin to Old High German scūr ~, storm, Latin caurus northwest wind Date: before 12th century 1. a fall of rain of short duration, a similar fall of sleet, hail, or snow, something resembling a rain ~ , a party given by friends who bring gifts often of a particular kind , a bath in which water is ~ed on the body, ~less adjective ~y adjective II. verb Date: 15th century intransitive verb to rain or fall in or as if in a ~ , to bathe in a ~, transitive verb 1. to wet (as with water) in a spray, fine stream, or drops, b. to cause to fall in a ~ , to cause a ~ to fall on , to give in abundance , ~er noun III. noun Date: 14th century one that shows ; exhibitor

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