Pronunciation: ' er- ē - ə l, ā - ' ir- ē - ə l
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin aerius, from Greek aerios, from a ē r
Date: 1604
1 a : of, relating to, or occurring in the air or atmosphere b : existing or growing in the air rather than in the ground or in water c : high in the air < aerial spires> d : operating or operated overhead on elevated cables or rails <an aerial tram>
2 : suggestive of air: as a : lacking substance b : FANCIFUL , ETHEREAL <visions of aerial joy ― P. B. Shelley>
3 a : of or relating to aircraft < aerial navigation> b : designed for use in, taken from, or operating from or against aircraft c : effected by means of aircraft < aerial transportation>
4 : of, relating to, or gained by the forward pass in football
– ae · ri · al · ly \ - ə -l ē \ adverb