[ae.ri.al] adj [L aerius, fr. Gk aerios, fr. aer] (1604) 1 a: of, relating to, or occurring in the air or atmosphere b: existing or growing in the air rather than in the ground or in water c: high in the air "~ spires" d: operating or operated overhead on elevated cables or rails "an ~ tram"
2: suggestive of air: as a: lacking substance: thin "fine and ~ distinctions" b: fanciful, ethereal "visions of ~ joy --P. B. Shelley" 3 a: of or relating to aircraft "~ navigation" b: designed for use in, taken from, or operating from or against aircraft "~ photo" c: effected by means of aircraft "~ transportation"
4: of, relating to, or gained by the forward pass in football -- ae.ri.al.ly adv
[2]aer.i.al n (1902) 1: antenna 2
2: forward pass