Pronunciation: ' b ē n
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English bene, from Old English b ē an; akin to Old High German b ō na bean
Date: before 12th century
1 a : BROAD BEAN b : the seed of any of various erect or climbing plants (as of the genera Phaseolus and Vigna ) of the legume family other than the broad bean c : a plant bearing beans d : an immature bean pod used as a vegetable
2 a : a valueless item b plural : the least amount <didn't know bean s about it>
3 : any of various seeds or fruits that resemble beans or bean pods <coffee bean s > also : a plant producing these
4 a plural : EXUBERANCE ― used in the phrase full of beans b plural : NONSENSE , BUNKUM ― used in the phrase full of beans
6 : a protuberance on the upper mandible of waterfowl ― see DUCK illustration