Pronunciation: ' b ə lk also ' bu ̇ lk
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, heap, bulk, from Old Norse bulki cargo
Date: 15th century
1 a : spatial dimension : MAGNITUDE b : material that forms a mass in the intestine especially : FIBER 1D
2 a : BODY especially : a large or corpulent human body b : an organized structure especially when viewed primarily as a mass of material c : a ponderous shapeless mass
3 : the main or greater part
– in bulk
1 : not divided into parts or packaged in separate units
2 : in large quantities
synonyms BULK , MASS , VOLUME mean the aggregate that forms a body or unit. BULK implies an aggregate that is impressively large, heavy, or numerous <the darkened bulk of the skyscrapers>. MASS suggests an aggregate made by piling together things of the same kind <a mass of boulders>. VOLUME applies to an aggregate without shape or outline and capable of flowing or fluctuating <a tremendous volume of water>.