Meaning of CERTAIN in English


Pronunciation: ' s ə r-t ə n

Function: adjective

Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Vulgar Latin *certanus, from Latin certus, from past participle of cernere to sift, discern, decide; akin to Greek krinein to separate, decide, judge, Old Irish criathar sieve

Date: 13th century

1 : FIXED , SETTLED <a certain percentage of the profit>

2 : of a specific but unspecified character, quantity, or degree <the house has a certain charm>

3 a : DEPENDABLE , RELIABLE <a certain remedy for the disease> b : known or proved to be true : INDISPUTABLE <it is certain that we exist>

4 a : INEVITABLE <the certain advance of age> b : incapable of failing : DESTINED ― used with a following infinitive <she is certain to do well>

5 : assured in mind or action <I am certain they are right>

synonyms see SURE

– for certain : as a certainty : ASSUREDLY <the cause is not known for certain >

– of a certain age : of a somewhat advanced age : no longer young <remembered by people of a certain age >

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