Meaning of CHAMBER in English


Pronunciation: ' ch ā m-b ə r

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English chambre, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin camera, from Latin, arched roof, from Greek kamara vault

Date: 13th century

1 : ROOM especially : BEDROOM

2 : a natural or artificial enclosed space or cavity

3 a : a hall for the meetings of a deliberative, legislative, or judicial body <the senate chamber > b : a room where a judge transacts business ― usually used in plural c : the reception room of a person of rank or authority

4 a : a legislative or judicial body especially : either of the houses of a bicameral legislature b : a voluntary board or council

5 a : the part of the bore of a gun that holds the charge b : a compartment in the cartridge cylinder of a revolver

– cham · bered \ -b ə rd \ adjective

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