Meaning of CORDILLERA CENTRAL in English

Pronunciation: ˌ ko ̇ r-d ə l- ' yer- ə - ˌ sen- ' träl, ˌ ko ̇ r-d ə - ' ler-, ˌ ko ̇ r-d ē - ' yer-

Function: geographical name

1 range of the Andes in Colombia

2 range of the Andes in Peru E of the Marañón

3 chief range of the Dominican Republic

4 range Philippines in N Luzon ― see PULOG (Mount)

5 range S cen Puerto Rico ― see CERRO DE PUNTA

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.