Pronunciation: ' ko ̇ rt
Function: noun
Usage: often attrib
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French curt, court, from Latin cohort-, cohors enclosure, group, retinue, cohort, from co- + -hort-, -hors (akin to hortus garden) ― more at YARD
Date: 12th century
1 a : the residence or establishment of a sovereign or similar dignitary b : a sovereign's formal assembly of councillors and officers c : the sovereign and officers and advisers who are the governing power d : the family and retinue of a sovereign e : a reception held by a sovereign
2 a (1) : a manor house or large building surrounded by usually enclosed grounds (2) : MOTEL b : an open space enclosed wholly or partly by buildings or circumscribed by a single building c : a quadrangular space walled or marked off for playing one of various games with a ball (as lawn tennis, handball, or basketball) also : a division of such a court d : a wide alley with only one opening onto a street
3 a : an official assembly for the transaction of judicial business b : a session of such a court < court is now adjourned> c : a place (as a chamber) for the administration of justice d : a judge or judges in session also : a faculty or agency of judgment or evaluation <rest our case in the court of world opinion ― L. H. Marks>
4 a : an assembly or board with legislative or administrative powers b : PARLIAMENT , LEGISLATURE
5 : conduct or attention intended to win favor or dispel hostility : HOMAGE <pay court to the king>