Meaning of CURTAIN in English


Pronunciation: ' k ə r-t ə n

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English curtine, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin cortina (trans. of Greek aulaia, from aul ē court), from Latin cohort-, cohors enclosure, court ― more at COURT

Date: 14th century

1 : a hanging screen usually capable of being drawn back or up especially : window drapery

2 : a device or agency that conceals or acts as a barrier ― compare IRON CURTAIN

3 a : the part of a bastioned front that connects two neighboring bastions b (1) : a similar stretch of plain wall (2) : a nonbearing exterior wall

4 a : the movable screen separating the stage from the auditorium of a theater b : the ascent or opening (as at the beginning of a play) of a stage curtain also : its descent or closing (as at the end of an act) c : the final situation, line, or scene of an act or play d : the time at which a theatrical performance begins e plural : END especially : DEATH <it will be curtain s for us if we're caught>

– cur · tain · less \ -l ə s \ adjective

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