Pronunciation: di- ' mand, - ' mänd, d ē -
Function: noun
Date: 13th century
1 a : an act of demanding or asking especially with authority <a demand for obedience> b : something claimed as due <a list of demand s >
2 archaic : QUESTION
3 a : willingness and ability to purchase a commodity or service <the demand for quality day care> b : the quantity of a commodity or service wanted at a specified price and time <supply and demand >
4 a : a seeking or state of being sought after <in great demand as an entertainer> b : urgent need
5 : the requirement of work or of the expenditure of a resource <equal to the demand s of the office> < demand s on one's time> <oxygen demand for waste oxidation>
– on demand : upon presentation and request for payment also : when requested or needed <video on demand >