[de.mand] n (13c) 1 a: an act of demanding or asking esp. with authority b: something claimed as due
2. archaic: question 3 a: willingness and ability to purchase a commodity or service b: the quantity of a commodity or service wanted at a specified price and time
4. a: a seeking or state of being sought after "in great ~ as an entertainer" b: urgent need
5: the requirement of work or of the expenditure of a resource "equal to the ~s of the office" "oxygen ~ for waste oxidation" -- on demand : upon presentation and request for payment; also: when requested or needed
[2]demand vb [ME demaunden, fr. OF demander, fr. ML demandare, fr. L, to entrust, charge, fr. de- + mandare to enjoin--more at mandate] vi (14c): to make a demand: ask ~ vt 1: to ask or call for with authority: claim as due or just "~ed to see a lawyer"
2: to call for urgently, peremptorily, or insistently "~ed that the rioters disperse" 3 a: to ask authoritatively or earnestly to be informed of b: to require to come: summon
4: to call for as useful or necessary -- de.mand.able adj -- de.mand.er n syn demand, claim, require, exact mean to ask or call for something as due or as necessary. demand implies peremptoriness and insistence and often the right to make requests that are to be regarded as commands "demanded payment of the debt". claim implies a demand for the delivery or concession of something due as one's own or one's right "claimed the right to manage his own affairs". require suggests the imperativeness that arises from inner necessity, compulsion of law or regulation, or the exigencies of the situation "the patient requires constant attention". exact implies not only demanding but getting what one demands "exacts absolute loyalty".