Meaning of DIRT in English


Pronunciation: ' d ə rt

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English drit, from Old Norse; akin to Old English dr ī tan to defecate

Date: 13th century

1 a : EXCREMENT b : a filthy or soiling substance (as mud, dust, or grime) c archaic : something worthless d : a contemptible person <treated me like dirt >

2 : loose or packed soil or sand : EARTH <a mound of dirt > <a dirt road>

3 a : an abject or filthy state : SQUALOR <living in dirt > b : CORRUPTION , CHICANERY <vowed to clean up the dirt in the city government> c : licentiousness of language or theme d : scandalous or malicious gossip <spreading dirt about his ex-wife> e : embarrassing or incriminating information <trying to dig up dirt on her political rivals>

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