Meaning of DOWN in English

n. down one's alley

count down

Hampshire Down

down at the heel

splash down

down one's street

down the tubes

back down

batten down the hatches

bear down

bear down on

boil down

break down

breathe down one's neck

bring down

bring the house down

bring down the house

broken down

button down

buttoned down

call down

cast down

clamp down

climb down

come down

crack down

cry down

cut down

cut down to size

do down

down to the ground

down on one's luck

down on

down and dirty

down and out

down and outer

down at the heels

down at heels

down at heel

down bow

down east

down easter

down home

down in the mouth

down market

down payment

Down syndrome

Down's syndrome

down the line

down to earth

down to earthness

down to the wire

down under

down the drain

draw down

dress down

dress down day

dressing down

drop down

dumb down

fall down

first down

get down

go down

go down on

hand down

hand me down

hands down

hold down

hull down

keep one's head down

keep down

knock down

knuckle down

lay down

lead one down the garden path

let one's hair down

let down

lie down

live down

look down one's nose

look down

low down

mark down

melt down

Oxford down

with one's pants down

pat down

pay down

phase down

down the pike

pipe down

play down

plunk down

pull down

put one's foot down

put down

put down roots

reach me down

ring down the curtain

down the road

run down

scale down

sell down the river

send down

set down

shake down

shoot down

shut down

simmer down

sit down

slap down

stand down

stare down

step down

stop down

strike down

stripped down

take down

talk down

tear down

throw down

thumbs down

tie down

top down

touch down

trade down

trickle down

trickle down theory

down the tube

turn down

up and down

upside down

upside down cake

wash down

water down

watered down

wear down

weigh down

wet down

wind down

write down

Down Under

North Down

knock down drag out

knock down and drag out

ups and downs

North Downs

South Downs

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.