Meaning of DOWN in English


Function: adjective

Date: circa 1565

1 a (1) : occupying a low position specifically : lying on the ground < down timber> (2) : directed or going downward <attendance is down > b : lower in price c : not being in play in football because of wholly stopped progress or because the officials stop the play <the ball was down > d : defeated or trailing an opponent (as in points scored) < down by two runs> e baseball : OUT <two down in the top of the third inning>

2 a : reduced or low in activity, frequency, or intensity <a down economy> b : not operating or able to function <the computer is down > c : DEPRESSED , DEJECTED <feeling a bit down > also : DEPRESSING <a down movie> d : SICK < down with flu>

3 : DONE , FINISHED <eight down and two to go>

4 : completely mastered <had her lines down > ― often used with pat <got the answers down pat>

5 a slang : COOL 7 b slang : understanding or supportive of something or someone ― usually used with with <trying to prove that they were down with hip-hop culture ― J. E. White>

6 : being on record <you're down for two tickets>

– down on : having a low opinion of or dislike for

– down on one's luck : experiencing misfortune and especially financial distress

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.