Function: verb
Inflected Form: flared ; flar · ing
Date: 1616
intransitive verb
1 a : to burn with an unsteady flame b : to stream in the wind
2 a : to shine with a sudden light <a match flare s in the darkness> b (1) : to become suddenly excited or angry ― usually used with up (2) : to break out or intensify usually suddenly or violently ― often used with up <fighting flared up after a 2-week lull> c : to express strong emotion (as anger) < flaring out at such abuses>
3 : to open or spread outward <the pants flare at the bottom>
transitive verb
1 : to display conspicuously < flaring her scarf to attract attention>
2 : to cause to flare <the breeze flare s the candle>
3 : to signal with a flare or by flaring
4 : to burn (a jet of waste gas) in the open air