Meaning of FORM in English


Pronunciation: ' fo ̇ rm

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English forme, from Anglo-French furme, forme, from Latin forma form, beauty

Date: 13th century

1 a : the shape and structure of something as distinguished from its material b : a body (as of a person) especially in its external appearance or as distinguished from the face : FIGURE c archaic : BEAUTY

2 : the essential nature of a thing as distinguished from its matter: as a : IDEA 1A b : the component of a thing that determines its kind

3 a : established method of expression or proceeding : procedure according to rule or rote also : a standard or expectation based on past experience : PRECEDENT <true to form , the champions won again> b : a prescribed and set order of words : FORMULA <the form of the marriage service>

4 : a printed or typed document with blank spaces for insertion of required or requested information <tax form s >

5 a (1) : conduct regulated by extraneous controls (as of custom or etiquette) : CEREMONY (2) : show without substance b : manner or conduct as tested by a prescribed or accepted standard <rudeness is simply bad form > c : manner or style of performing or accomplishing according to recognized standards of technique <a strong swimmer but weak on form >

6 a : the resting place or nest of a hare b : a long seat : BENCH

7 a : a supporting frame model of the human figure or part (as the torso) of the human figure usually used for displaying apparel b : a proportioned and often adjustable model for fitting clothes c : a mold in which concrete is placed to set

8 : the printing type or other matter arranged and secured in a chase ready for printing

9 a : one of the different modes of existence, action, or manifestation of a particular thing or substance : KIND <one form of respiratory disorder> <a form of art> b : a distinguishable group of organisms c : LINGUISTIC FORM d : one of the different aspects a word may take as a result of inflection or change of spelling or pronunciation <verbal form s > e : a mathematical expression of a particular type <a bilinear form > <a polynomial form >

10 a (1) : orderly method of arrangement (as in the presentation of ideas) : manner of coordinating elements (as of an artistic production or course of reasoning) (2) : a particular kind or instance of such arrangement <the sonnet is a poetical form > b : PATTERN , SCHEMA <arguments of the same logical form > c : the structural element, plan, or design of a work of art ― compare CONTENT 2c d : a visible and measurable unit defined by a contour : a bounded surface or volume

11 : a grade in a British school or in some American private schools

12 a (1) : the past performance of a race horse (2) : RACING FORM b : known ability to perform <a singer at the top of her form > c : condition suitable for performing (as in athletic competition) <back on form >

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.