Pronunciation: ' fu ̇ l also ' f ə l
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English; akin to Old High German fol full, Latin plenus full, pl ē re to fill, Greek pl ē r ē s full, pl ē thein to be full
Date: before 12th century
1 : containing as much or as many as is possible or normal <a bin full of corn>
2 a : complete especially in detail, number, or duration <a full report> <gone a full hour> <my full share> b : lacking restraint, check, or qualification < full retreat> < full support> c : having all distinguishing characteristics : enjoying all authorized rights and privileges < full member> < full professor> d : not lacking in any essential : PERFECT <in full control of your senses> e (1) : completely occupied by runners <came to bat with the bases full > (2) : having three balls and two strikes <a full count>
3 a : being at the highest or greatest degree : MAXIMUM < full speed> < full strength> b : being at the height of development < full bloom> c : being a full moon : completely illuminated <the moon is full tonight>
4 : rounded in outline <a full figure>
5 a : possessing or containing a great number or amount ― used with of <a room full of pictures> < full of hope> b : having an abundance of material especially in the form of gathered, pleated, or flared parts <a full skirt> c : rich in experience <a full life>
6 a : satisfied especially with food or drink b : large enough to satisfy <a full meal>
7 archaic : completely weary
8 : having both parents in common < full sisters>
9 : having volume or depth of sound < full tones>
10 : completely occupied especially with a thought or plan < full of his own concerns>
11 : possessing a rich or pronounced quality <a food of full flavor>
– full of it : not to be believed
synonyms FULL , COMPLETE , PLENARY , REPLETE mean containing all that is wanted or needed or possible. FULL implies the presence or inclusion of everything that is wanted or required by something or that can be held, contained, or attained by it <a full schedule>. COMPLETE applies when all that is needed is present <a complete picture of the situation>. PLENARY adds to COMPLETE the implication of fullness without qualification <given plenary power>. REPLETE implies being filled to the brim or to satiety < replete with delightful details>.