Meaning of HAND in English


Pronunciation: ' hand

Function: noun

Usage: often attrib

Etymology: Middle English, from Old English; akin to Old High German hant hand

Date: before 12th century

1 a (1) : the terminal part of the vertebrate forelimb when modified (as in humans) as a grasping organ (2) : the forelimb segment (as the terminal section of a bird's wing) of a vertebrate higher than the fishes that corresponds to the hand irrespective of its form or functional specialization b : a part serving the function of or resembling a hand: as (1) : the hind foot of an ape (2) : the chela of a crustacean c : something resembling a hand: as (1) : an indicator or pointer on a dial <the hand s of a clock> (2) : INDEX 5 (3) : a cluster of bananas developed from a single flower group (4) : a branched rootstock of ginger (5) : a bunch of large leaves (as of tobacco) tied together usually with another leaf

2 a : personal possession ― usually used in plural <the documents fell into the hand s of the enemy> b : CONTROL , SUPERVISION ― usually used in plural <left the matter in her hand s >

3 a : SIDE , DIRECTION <men fighting on either hand > b : one of two sides or aspects of an issue or argument <on the one hand we can appeal for peace, and on the other, declare war>

4 : a pledge especially of betrothal or bestowal in marriage

5 a : style of penmanship : HANDWRITING <wrote in a fancy hand > b : SIGNATURE

6 a : SKILL , ABILITY <tried her hand at sailing> b : an instrumental part <had a hand in the victory>

7 : a unit of measure equal to 4 inches (10.2 centimeters) used especially for the height of horses

8 a : assistance or aid especially involving physical effort <lend a hand > b : PARTICIPATION , INTEREST <had no hand in the decision> c : a round of applause

9 a (1) : a player in a card game or board game (2) : the cards or pieces held by a player b : a single round in a game c : the force or solidity of one's position (as in negotiations) <trying to strengthen their hand >

10 a : a person who performs or executes a particular work <two portraits by the same hand > b (1) : a person employed at manual labor or general tasks <a ranch hand > (2) : WORKER , EMPLOYEE <employed over a hundred hand s > c : a member of a ship's crew <all hand s on deck> d : a person skilled in a particular action or pursuit e : a specialist or veteran in a usually designated activity or region <a China hand >

11 a : HANDIWORK , DOINGS b : style of execution : WORKMANSHIP <the hand of a master> c : the feel of or tactile reaction to something (as silk or leather)

12 : a punch made with a specified hand <knocked him out with a good right hand >

– at hand

1 : near in time or place : within reach <use whatever ingredients are at hand >

2 : currently receiving or deserving attention <the business at hand >

– at the hands of also at the hand of : by or through the action of

– by hand

1 : with the hands or a hand-worked implement (as a tool or pen) rather than with a machine

2 : from one individual directly to another <deliver the document by hand >

– in hand

1 : in one's possession or control <had matters well in hand > <with money in hand >

2 : in preparation

3 : under consideration

– on all hands or on every hand : EVERYWHERE

– on hand

1 : in present possession or readily available <kept supplies on hand >

2 : about to appear : PENDING

3 : in attendance : PRESENT

– on one's hands : in one's possession or care <too much time on my hands >

– out of hand

1 : without delay or deliberation also : in a summary or peremptory manner <rejected the plan out of hand >

2 : done with : FINISHED

3 : out of control

4 : with the hands <fruit eaten out of hand >

– to hand

1 : into possession <the letter ⋯ has come to hand ― George Washington>

2 : within reach

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.