Meaning of JACK in English


Pronunciation: ' jak

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English Jacke, familiar term of address to a social inferior, nickname for Johan John

Date: 1548

1 a : MAN ― usually used as an intensive in such phrases as every man jack b often capitalized : SAILOR c (1) : SERVANT , LABORER (2) : LUMBERJACK

2 : any of various usually mechanical devices: as a : a device for turning a spit b : a usually portable mechanism or device for exerting pressure or lifting a heavy body a short distance

3 : something that supports or holds in position: as a : an iron bar at a topgallant masthead to support a royal mast and spread the royal shrouds b : a wooden brace fastened behind a scenic unit in a stage set to prop it up

4 a : any of several fishes especially : any of various carangids b : a male donkey c : JACKRABBIT d : any of several birds (as a jackdaw)

5 a : a small white target ball in lawn bowling b : a small national flag flown by a ship c (1) plural but singular in construction : a game played with a set of small objects that are tossed, caught, and moved in various figures (2) : a small 6-pointed metal object used in the game of jacks

6 a : a playing card carrying the figure of a soldier or servant and ranking usually below the queen b : JACKPOT 1A(2)

7 slang : MONEY

8 : a female fitting in an electric circuit used with a plug to make a connection with another circuit




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