Pronunciation: ' jäg, ' jo ̇ g
Function: verb
Inflected Form: jogged ; jog · ging
Etymology: probably alteration of shog
Date: 1548
transitive verb
1 : to give a slight shake or push to : NUDGE
2 : to rouse to alertness < jogged his memory>
3 : to cause (as a horse) to go at a jog
4 : to align the edges of (piled sheets of paper) by hitting or shaking against a flat surface
intransitive verb
1 : to move up and down or about with a short heavy motion <his ⋯ holster jogging against his hip ― Thomas Williams>
2 a : to run or ride at a slow trot b : to go at a slow, leisurely, or monotonous pace : TRUDGE
– jog · ger \ ' jä-g ə r, ' jo ̇ - \ noun