[jog] vb jogged ; jog.ging [prob. alter. of shog] vt (1548) 1: to give a slight shake or push to: nudge
2: to rouse to alertness "jogged his memory"
3: to cause (as a horse) to go at a jog
4: to align the edges of (piled sheets of paper) by hitting or shaking against a flat surface ~ vi 1: to move up and down or about with a short heavy motion "his ... holster jogging against his hip --Thomas Williams"
2. a: to run or ride at a slow trot b: to go at a slow, leisurely, or monotonous pace: trudge
[2]jog n (1635) 1: a slight shake: push
2. a: a movement, pace, or instance of jogging (as for exercise) b: a horse's slow measured trot [3]jog n [prob. alter. of
[2]jag] (1715) 1 a: a projecting or retreating part (as of a line or surface) b: the space in the angle of a jog
2: a brief abrupt change in direction [4]jog vi jogged ; jog.ging (1953): to make a jog "the road ~s to the right"