Meaning of JOINT in English


Pronunciation: ' jo ̇ int

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English jointe, from Anglo-French, from joindre

Date: 13th century

1 a (1) : the point of contact between elements of an animal skeleton with the parts that surround and support it (2) : NODE 5B b : a part or space included between two articulations, knots, or nodes c : a large piece of meat for roasting

2 a : a place where two things or parts are joined b : a space between the adjacent surfaces of two bodies joined and held together (as by cement or mortar) c : a fracture or crack in rock not accompanied by dislocation d : the flexing part of a cover along either spine edge of a book e : the junction of two or more members of a framed structure f : a union formed by two abutting rails in a track including the elements (as bars and bolts) necessary to hold the abutting rails together g : an area at which two ends, surfaces, or edges are attached

3 a : a shabby or disreputable place of entertainment b : PLACE , ESTABLISHMENT c slang : PRISON 2

4 : a marijuana cigarette

– joint · ed \ ' jo ̇ in-t ə d \ adjective

– joint · ed · ly adverb

– joint · ed · ness noun

– out of joint

1 a of a bone : having the head slipped from its socket b : at variance

2 a : DISORDERED 2A b : being out of humor : DISSATISFIED <losing put him out of joint >

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.