Pronunciation: ' jüs
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English jus, from Anglo-French, broth, juice, from Latin; akin to Old Norse ostr cheese, Greek zym ē leaven, Sanskrit y ū ș a broth
Date: 14th century
1 : the extractable fluid contents of cells or tissues
2 a plural : the natural fluids of an animal body b : the liquid or moisture contained in something
3 a : the inherent quality of a thing : ESSENCE b : STRENGTH , VIGOR , VITALITY <pioneers ⋯ full of juice and jests ― Sinclair Lewis>
4 : a medium (as electricity or gasoline) that supplies power
5 slang : LIQUOR
6 slang : exorbitant interest exacted of a borrower under the threat of violence
8 : a motivating, inspiring, or enabling force or factor <creative juice s >
– juice · less \ ' jüs-l ə s \ adjective