Pronunciation: ' näd
Function: verb
Inflected Form: nod · ded ; nod · ding
Etymology: Middle English nodden; perhaps akin to Old High German hnot ō n to shake
Date: 14th century
intransitive verb
1 : to make a quick downward motion of the head whether deliberately (as in expressing assent or salutation) or involuntarily (as from drowsiness)
2 : to incline or sway from the vertical as though ready to fall
3 : to bend or sway the upper part gently downward or forward : bob gently
4 : to make a slip or error in a moment of abstraction
transitive verb
1 : to incline (as the head) downward or forward
2 : to bring, invite, or send by a nod < nodded us in>
3 : to signify by a nod < nodded their approval>
– nod · der noun