Meaning of PAN in English


Pronunciation: ' pan

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English panne, from Old English (akin to Old High German phanna pan), from Latin patina, from Greek patan ē

Date: before 12th century

1 a : a usually broad, shallow, and open container for domestic use (as for cooking) b : any of various similar usually metal receptacles: as (1) : the hollow part of the lock in a firelock or flintlock gun that receives the priming (2) : either of the receptacles in a pair of scales (3) : a round shallow usually metal container for separating metal (as gold) from waste by washing c British : TOILET 3B also : BOWL 3B d : STEEL DRUM

2 a (1) : a natural basin or depression in land (2) : a similar artificial basin (as for evaporating brine) b : a drifting fragment of the flat thin ice that forms in bays or along the shore


4 slang : FACE

5 : a harsh criticism

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