Pronunciation: ri- ' ko ̇ rd
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English, literally, to recall, from Anglo-French recorder, from Latin recordari, from re- + cord-, cor heart ― more at HEART
Date: 14th century
transitive verb
1 a (1) : to set down in writing : furnish written evidence of (2) : to deposit an authentic official copy of < record a deed> b : to state for or as if for the record <voted in favor but record ed certain reservations> c (1) : to register permanently by mechanical means <earthquake shocks record ed by a seismograph> (2) : INDICATE , READ <the thermometer record ed 90°>
2 : to give evidence of
3 : to cause (as sound, visual images, or data) to be registered on something (as a disc or magnetic tape) in reproducible form
intransitive verb : to record something
– re · cord · able \ - ' ko ̇ r-d ə -b ə l \ adjective