Meaning of REST in English


Function: intransitive verb

Date: before 12th century

1 a : to get rest by lying down especially : SLEEP b : to lie dead

2 : to cease from action or motion : refrain from labor or exertion

3 : to be free from anxiety or disturbance

4 : to sit or lie fixed or supported <a column rest s on its pedestal>

5 a : to remain confident : TRUST <cannot rest on that assumption> b : to be based or founded <the verdict rest ed on several sound precedents>

6 : to remain for action or accomplishment <the answer rest s with you>

7 of farmland : to remain idle or uncropped

8 : to bring to an end voluntarily the introduction of evidence in a law case

transitive verb

1 : to give rest to

2 : to set at rest

3 : to place on or against a support

4 : to cause to be firmly fixed < rest ed all hope in his child>

5 : to desist voluntarily from presenting evidence pertinent to (a case at law)

– rest · er noun

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.