Meaning of RING in English


Pronunciation: ' ri ŋ

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English, from Old English hring; akin to Old High German hring ring, Old Church Slavic kr ỏ g ŭ circle

Date: before 12th century

1 : a circular band for holding, connecting, hanging, pulling, packing, or sealing <a key ring > <a towel ring >

2 : a circlet usually of precious metal worn especially on the finger

3 a : a circular line, figure, or object <smoke ring > b : an encircling arrangement <a ring of suburbs> c : a circular or spiral course ― often used figuratively in plural in the phrase run rings around to describe surpassing an opponent decisively

4 a (1) : an often circular space especially for exhibitions or competitions especially : such a space at a circus (2) : a structure containing such a ring b : a square enclosure in which a fighting contest (as a boxing or wrestling match) takes place

5 : a band of small objects revolving around a planet (as Saturn) and composed of dust and icy or rocky fragments


7 a : an exclusive combination of persons for a selfish and often corrupt purpose (as to control a market) <a wheat ring > b : GANG

8 : the field of a political contest : RACE

9 : food in the shape of a circle

10 : an arrangement of atoms represented in formulas or models in a cyclic manner ― called also cycle

11 : a set of mathematical elements that is closed under two binary operations of which the first forms a commutative group with the set and the second is associative over the set and is distributive with respect to the first operation

12 plural a : a pair of usually rubber-covered metal rings suspended from a ceiling or crossbar to a height of approximately eight feet above the floor and used for hanging, swinging, and balancing feats in gymnastics b : an event in gymnastics competition in which the rings are used

13 : 1 BOXING <ended his ring career>

– ring · like \ ' ri ŋ -l ī k \ adjective

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.