Meaning of ROOM in English


Pronunciation: ' rüm, ' ru ̇ m

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English, from Old English r ū m; akin to Old High German r ū m room, Latin rur-, rus open land

Date: before 12th century

1 : an extent of space occupied by or sufficient or available for something < room to run and play>

2 a obsolete : an appropriate or designated position, post, or station b : PLACE , STEAD <in whose room I am now assuming the pen ― Sir Walter Scott>

3 a : a partitioned part of the inside of a building especially : such a part used as a lodging b : the people in a room

4 : a suitable or fit occasion or opportunity : CHANCE <no room for doubt>

– roomed \ ' rümd, ' ru ̇ md \ adjective

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