Function: intransitive verb
Date: before 12th century
1 a : to travel on water in a ship b : YACHT
2 a : to travel on water by the action of wind upon sails or by other means b : to move or proceed easily, gracefully, nonchalantly, or without resistance < sail s through all sorts of contradictions ― Vicki Hearne> <the bill sail ed through the legislature> c : to move through the air <the ball sail ed over his head>
3 : to begin a water voyage < sail with the tide>
transitive verb
1 a : to travel on (water) by means of motive power (as sail) b : to glide through
2 : to direct or manage the motion of (as a ship)
– sail · able \ ' s ā -l ə -b ə l \ adjective
– sail into : to attack vigorously or sharply < sailed into me for being late>