Pronunciation: ' se-kr ə - ˌ ter- ē , ' se-k ə - ˌ ter-, in rapid speech also ' sek- ˌ ter-, esp Brit ' se-k(r) ə -tr ē
Function: noun
Inflected Form: plural -tar · ies
Etymology: Middle English secretarie, from Medieval Latin secretarius, confidential employee, secretary, from Latin secretum secret, from neuter of secretus
Date: 15th century
1 : one employed to handle correspondence and manage routine and detail work for a superior
2 a : an officer of a business concern who may keep records of directors' and stockholders' meetings and of stock ownership and transfer and help supervise the company's legal interests b : an officer of an organization or society responsible for its records and correspondence
3 : an officer of state who superintends a government administrative department <the secretary of labor>
4 a : WRITING DESK , ESCRITOIRE b : a writing desk with a top section for books
– sec · re · tar · i · al \ ˌ se-kr ə - ' ter- ē - ə l \ adjective
– sec · re · tary · ship \ ' se-kr ə - ˌ ter- ē - ˌ ship \ noun
secretary 4b