Pronunciation: ' seg-m ə nt
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin segmentum, from secare to cut ― more at SAW
Date: 1570
1 : a portion cut off from a geometric figure by one or more points, lines, or planes: as a : the area of a circle bounded by a chord and an arc of that circle b : the part of a sphere cut off by a plane or included between two parallel planes c : the finite part of a line between two points in the line
2 a : a separate piece of something : BIT , FRAGMENT <chop the stalks into short segment s > b : one of the constituent parts into which a body, entity, or quantity is divided or marked off by or as if by natural boundaries <all segment s of the population agree>
synonyms see PART
– seg · men · tary \ -m ə n- ˌ ter- ē \ adjective