Pronunciation: ' sm ō k
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English smoca; akin to Old English sm ē ocan to emit smoke, Middle High German smouch smoke, and probably to Greek smychein to smolder
Date: before 12th century
1 a : the gaseous products of burning materials especially of organic origin made visible by the presence of small particles of carbon b : a suspension of particles in a gas
2 a : a mass or column of smoke b : SMUDGE
3 : fume or vapor often resulting from the action of heat on moisture
4 : something of little substance, permanence, or value
5 : something that obscures
6 a (1) : something (as a cigarette) to smoke (2) : MARIJUANA 2 b : an act of smoking tobacco especially : a smoking break
7 a : a pale blue b : any of the colors of smoke
8 : pitches that are fastballs <if a guy's going to hit you ⋯ he certainly isn't going to throw a spitterhe gives you smoke ― Tony Conigliaro>
– smoke · less \ ' sm ō -kl ə s \ adjective
– smoke · like \ ' sm ō k- ˌ l ī k \ adjective