Pronunciation: ' thrä-t ə l
Function: verb
Inflected Form: throt · tled ; throt · tling \ ' thrät-li ŋ , ' thrä-t ə l-i ŋ \
Etymology: Middle English throtelen, from throte throat
Date: 15th century
transitive verb
1 a (1) : to compress the throat of : CHOKE (2) : to kill by such action b : to prevent or check expression or activity of : SUPPRESS <policies that throttle creativity>
2 a : to decrease the flow of (as steam or fuel to an engine) by a valve b : to regulate and especially to reduce the speed of (as an engine) by such means c : to vary the thrust of (a rocket engine) during flight
intransitive verb : to throttle something (as an engine) ― usually used with back or down <the pilot throttled back>
– throt · tler \ ' thrät-l ə r, ' thrä-t ə l- ə r \ noun