[throt.tle] vb throt.tled ; throt.tling [ME throtlen, fr. throte throat] vt (15c) 1 a (1): to compress the throat of: choke (2): to kill by such action b: to prevent or check expression or activity of: suppress
2. a: to decrease the flow of (as steam or fuel to an engine) by a valve b: to regulate and esp. to reduce the speed of (as an engine) by such means c: to vary the thrust of (a rocket engine) during flight ~ vi: to throttle something (as an engine)--usu. used with back or down "the pilot throttled back" -- throt.tler n
[2]throttle n [perh. fr. (assumed) ME, dim. of ME throte throat] (ca. 1547) 1 a: throat 1a b: trachea 1
2. a: a valve for regulating the supply of a fluid (as steam) to an engine; esp: the valve controlling the volume of vaporized fuel charge delivered to the cylinders of an internal combustion engine b: the lever controlling this valve c: the condition of being throttled -- at full throttle : at full speed