Meaning of TWIST in English


Function: noun

Date: 1555

1 : something formed by twisting or winding: as a : a thread, yarn, or cord formed by twisting two or more strands together b : a strong tightly twisted sewing silk c : a baked piece of twisted dough d : tobacco leaves twisted into a thick roll e : a strip of citrus peel used to flavor a drink

2 a : an act of twisting : the state of being twisted b : a dance performed with strenuous gyrations especially of the hips c : the spin given the ball in any of various games d : a spiral turn or curve e (1) : torque or torsional stress applied to a body (as a rod or shaft) (2) : torsional strain (3) : the angle through which a thing is twisted

3 a : a turning off a straight course b : ECCENTRICITY , IDIOSYNCRASY c : a distortion of meaning or sense

4 a : an unexpected turn or development <weird twist s of fate ― W. L. Shirer> b : a clever device : TRICK <questions demanding special twist s of thinking ― New Yorker > c : a variant approach or method : GIMMICK <a kind of twist on the old triangle theme ― Dave Fedo>

5 : a front or back dive in which the diver twists sideways a half or full turn before entering the water

– twisty \ ' twis-t ē \ adjective

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.