[about] adv [ME, fr. OE abutan, fr. [1]a- + butan outside--more at but] (bef. 12c) 1 a: reasonably close to "~ a year ago" b: almost "~ starved" c: on the verge of--usu. used with be and a following infinitive "is ~ to join the army"--used with a negative to express intention or determination "not ~ to quit"
2: on all sides: around 3 a: in rotation b: around the outside
4: here and there
5: in the vicinity: near
6: in succession: alternately "turn ~ is fair play" 7: in the opposite direction "face ~" "the other way ~"
[2]about prep (bef. 12c) 1: in a circle around: on every side of: around
2. a: in the immediate neighborhood of: near b: on or near the person of c: in the makeup of "a mature wisdom ~ him" d: at the command of "has his wits ~ him"
3: engaged in "act as if they know what they're ~ --T. S. Matthews"
4. a: with regard to: concerning b: concerned with c: fundamentally concerned with or directed toward "poker is ~ money --David Mamet"
5: over or in different parts of [3]about adj (1815) 1: moving from place to place; specif: being out of bed
2: around