[acute] adj acut.er ; acut.est [L acutus, pp. of acuere to sharpen, fr. acus needle; akin to L acer sharp--more at edge] (14c) 1 a (1): characterized by sharpness or severity "~ pain" (2): having a sudden onset, sharp rise, and short course "~ disease" b: lasting a short time "~ experiments"
2: ending in a sharp point: as a: being or forming an angle measuring less than 90 degrees "~ angle" b: composed of acute angles "~ triangle" 3 a of an accent mark: having the form of a single slanting stroke whose right end is higher than its left b: marked with an acute accent c: of the variety indicated by an acute accent
4. a: marked by keen discernment or intellectual perception esp. of subtle distinctions: penetrating "an ~ thinker" b: responsive to slight impressions or stimuli "~ hearing"
5: felt, perceived, or experienced intensely "~ distress"
6: seriously demanding urgent attention -- acute.ly adv -- acute.ness n syn acute, critical, crucial mean of uncertain outcome. acute stresses intensification of conditions leading to a culmination or breaking point "an acute housing shortage". critical adds to acute implications of imminent change, of attendant suspense, and of decisiveness in the outcome "the war has entered a critical phase". crucial suggests a dividing of the ways and often a test or trial involving the determination of a future course or direction "a crucial vote". syn see in addition sharp