Meaning of ADDRESS in English

[ad.dress] vb [ME adressen, fr. MF adresser, fr. a- (fr. L ad-) + dresser to arrange--more at dress] vt (14c) 1 archaic a: direct, aim b: to direct to go: send

2. a: to direct the efforts or attention of (oneself) "will ~ himself to the problem" b: to deal with: treat "intrigued by the chance to ~ important issues --I. L. Horowitz" 3 archaic: to make ready; esp: dress

4. a: to communicate directly "~es his thanks to his host" b: to speak or write directly to; esp: to deliver a formal speech to

5. a: to mark directions for delivery on "~ a letter" b: to consign to the care of another (as an agent or factor)

6: to greet by a prescribed form 7: to adjust the club preparatory to hitting (a golf ball) 8: to identify (as a peripheral or memory location) by an address or a name for information transfer ~ vi, obs: to direct one's speech or attentions -- n

[2]ad.dress n (1539) 1: dutiful and courteous attention esp. in courtship--usu. used in pl.

2. a: readiness and capability for dealing (as with a person or problem) skillfully and smoothly: adroitness b obs: a making ready; also: a state of preparedness 3 a: manner of bearing oneself "a man of rude ~" b: manner of speaking or singing: delivery

4: a formal communication; esp: a prepared speech delivered to a special audience or on a special occasion

5. a: a place where a person or organization may be communicated with b: directions for delivery on the outside of an object (as a letter or package) c: the designation of place of delivery placed between the heading and salutation on a business letter

6: a preparatory position of the player and club in golf 7: a location (as in the memory of a computer) where particular information is stored; also: the digits that identify such a location syn see tact

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