[blank] adj [ME, fr. MF blanc colorless, white, of Gmc origin; akin to OHG blanch white; prob. akin to L flagrare to burn--more at black] (14c) 1 archaic: colorless
2. a: appearing or causing to appear dazed, confounded, or nonplussed "stared in ~ dismay" b: expressionless "a ~ stare" 3 a: devoid of covering or content; esp: free from writing or marks "~ paper" b: having spaces to be filled in c: lacking interest, variety, or change "~ hours"
4: absolute, unqualified "a ~ refusal"
5: unfinished; esp: having a plain or unbroken surface where an opening is usual "a ~ key" "a ~ arch" syn see empty -- blank.ly adv -- blank.ness n
[2]blank n (1554) 1 obs: the bull's-eye of a target
2. a: an empty space (as on a paper) b: a paper with spaces for the entry of data "an order ~" 3 a: a piece of material prepared to be made into something (as a key) by a further operation b: a cartridge loaded with propellant and a seal but no projectile
4. a: an empty or featureless place or space "my mind was a ~" b: a vacant or uneventful period "a long ~ in history"
5: a dash substituting for an omitted word [3]blank vt (ca. 1765) 1 a: obscure, obliterate "~ out a line" b: to stop access to: seal "~ off a tunnel"
2: to keep (an opposing team) from scoring "were ~ed for eight innings" ~ vi 1: fade--usu. used with out "the music ~ed out"
2: to become confused or abstracted--often used with out "his mind ~ed out momentarily"