[bomb] n [F bombe, fr. It bomba, prob. fr. L bombus deep hollow sound, fr. Gk bombos, of imit. origin] (1684) 1 a: an explosive device fused to detonate under specified conditions b: atomic bomb; also: nuclear weapons in general--usu. used with the
2: a vessel for compressed gases: as a: a pressure vessel for conducting chemical experiments b: a container for an aerosol: spray can
3: a rounded mass of lava exploded from a volcano
4: a lead-lined container for radioactive material
5: failure, flop "the play was a ~"
6. Brit: a large sum of money
7. Brit: a great success: hit 8: a long pass in football
[2]bomb vt (1688) 1: to attack with or as if with bombs: bombard
2: to defeat decisively ~ vi 1: to fall flat: fail
2. slang: to move rapidly "~ed down the hill" -- bomb.ing n