Meaning of BOUND in English

[bound] adj [ME boun, fr. ON buinn, pp. of bua to dwell, prepare; akin to OHG buan to dwell--more at bower] (13c) 1 archaic: ready

2: intending to go: going "~ for home" "college-bound"

[2]bound n [ME, fr. OF bodne, fr. ML bodina] (13c) 1 a: a limiting line: boundary--usu. used in pl. b: something that limits or restrains "beyond the ~s of decency"

2. usu pl a: borderland b: the land within certain bounds

3: a number greater than or equal to every number in a set (as the range of a function); also: a number less than or equal to every number in a set [3]bound past and past part of bind [4]bound vt (14c) 1: to set limits or bounds to: confine

2: to form the boundary of: enclose

3: to name the boundaries of [5]bound adj [ME bounden, fr. pp. of binden to bind] (14c) 1: placed under legal or moral restraint or obligation: obliged "duty-bound"

2. a: fastened by or as if by a band: confined "desk-bound" b: very likely: sure "~ to rain soon"

3: made costive: constipated

4. of a book: secured to the covers by cords, tapes, or glue

5: determined, resolved

6: held in chemical or physical combination 7: always occurring in combination with another linguistic form "un- in unknown and -er in speaker are ~ forms"--compare free 11d [6]bound n [MF bond, fr. bondir to leap, fr. (assumed) VL bombitire to hum, fr. L bombus deep hollow sound--more at bomb] (ca. 1553) 1: leap, jump

2: the action of rebounding: bounce [7]bound vi (1592) 1: to move by leaping

2: rebound, bounce

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