[col.lect] n [ME collecte, fr. OF, fr. ML collecta (short for oratio ad collectam prayer upon assembly), fr. LL, assembly, fr. L, assemblage, fr. fem. of collectus] (13c) 1: a short prayer comprising an invocation, petition, and conclusion; specif, often cap: one preceding the eucharistic Epistle and varying with the day
2: collection
[2]col.lect vb [L collectus, pp. of colligere to collect, fr. com- + legere to gather--more at legend] vt (1563) 1 a: to bring together into one body or place b: to gather or exact from a number of persons or sources "~ taxes"
2: infer, deduce
3: to gain or regain control of "~ his thoughts"
4: to claim as due and receive payment for
5: to get and bring with one; specif: pick up "went to ~ her at the train station" ~ vi 1: to come together in a band, group, or mass: gather
2. a: to collect objects b: to receive payment "~ing on the insurance" syn see gather -- col.lect.ible or col.lect.able adj [3]col.lect adv or adj (1893): to be paid for by the receiver