Meaning of DOUBLE in English

[dou.ble] adj [ME, fr. OF, fr. L duplus (akin to Gk diploos), fr. duo two + -plus multiplied by; akin to OE -feald -fold--more at two, -fold] (13c) 1: having a twofold relation or character: dual

2: consisting of two usu. combined members or parts "an egg with a ~ yolk" 3 a: being twice as great or as many "~ the number of expected applicants" b of a coin: worth two of the specified amount "a ~ eagle" "a ~ crown"

4: marked by duplicity: deceitful

5: folded in two

6: of extra size, strength, or value "a ~ martini" 7: having more than the normal number of floral leaves often at the expense of the sporophylls

8. of rhyme: involving correspondence of two syllables (as in exciting and inviting) 9: designed for the use of two persons "a ~ room" "a ~ bed" -- dou.ble.ness n

[2]double vb dou.bled ; dou.bling vt (13c) 1: to make twice as great or as many: as a: to increase by adding an equal amount b: to amount to twice the number of c: to make a call in bridge that increases the value of odd tricks or undertricks at (an opponent's bid)

2. a: to make of two thicknesses: fold b: clench "doubled his fist" c: to cause to stoop

3: to avoid by doubling: elude

4. a: to replace in a dramatic role b: to play (dramatic roles) by doubling

5. a (1): to advance or score (a base runner) by a double (2): to bring about the scoring of (a run) by a double b: to put out (a base runner) in completing a double play ~ vi 1 a: to become twice as much or as many b: to double a bid (as in bridge)

2. a: to turn sharply and suddenly; esp: to turn back on one's course b: to follow a circuitous course

3: to become bent or folded usu. in the middle--usu. used with up "she doubled up in pain"

4. a: to serve an additional purpose or perform an additional duty b: to play a dramatic role as a double

5: to make a double in baseball -- dou.bler n [3]double adv (14c) 1: to twice the extent or amount

2: two together [4]double n (14c) 1: something twice the usual size, strength, speed, quantity, or value: as a: a double amount b: a base hit that enables the batter to reach second base

2: one that is the counterpart of another: duplicate: as a: a living person that closely resembles another living person b: wraith c (1): understudy (2): one who resembles an actor and takes his or her place esp. in scenes calling for special skills (3): an actor who plays more than one role in a production 3 a: a sharp turn (as in running): reversal b: an evasive shift

4: something consisting of two paired members: as a: fold b: a combined bet placed on two different contests c: two consecutive strikes in bowling

5. pl: a game between two pairs of players

6: an act of doubling in a card game 7: a room (as in a hotel) for two guests--compare single


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