Synonyms and related words :
Doppelganger, Janus-like, Machiavellian, Photostat, Xerox, aberrancy, aberration, accelerate, act for, actual thing, agent, aggravate, alternate, alternative, ambidextrous, ambiguous, amplify, analogy, artful, at full speed, at once, augment, average, avoid, backup, beef up, beg, bend, bias, bifacial, bifold, biform, bifurcated, bilateral, bilk, binary, binate, biparous, bipartisan, bipartite, bisect, bivalent, blow up, branching off, briskly, carbon copy, change, change places with, changeling, circuitousness, circumvent, clone, co-walker, come again, come back, come home, companion, comparison, complicate, concentrate, condense, conduplicate, consolidate, coordinate, copy, corner, counterfeit, counterpart, coupled, crafty, crease, creasing, crimp, crisp, crook, crooked, crowd out, cunning, curve, cut out, dead ringer, deceitful, declination, deepen, deflection, departure, deputy, detour, deviance, deviancy, deviation, deviousness, dichotomous, digression, discursion, dishonest, disomatous, displace, ditch, ditto, divagation, divarication, divergence, diversion, do a repeat, do again, do over, dog-ear, dogleg, double back, double for, double over, double-dealing, double-faced, double-minded, double-tongued, doubled, doubleganger, doublehearted, doubling, drift, drifting, duadic, dual, dualistic, dub, duck, dummy, dupe, duple, duplex, duplicate, duplicated, duplication, duplicature, duplicitous, dyadic, echo, effigy, elude, enfold, enhance, enlarge, equal, equivalent, errantry, ersatz, escape, eschew, etheric double, evade, exacerbate, exact counterpart, exact likeness, exaggerate, exchange, excursion, excursus, exorbitation, facsimile, faithless, fake, FALSE, false-principled, falsehearted, fellow, fetch, fill in for, fill-in, flection, flexure, flounce, flute, fold, fold over, frill, gather, geminate, geminated, get around, get away from, get out of, ghost, ghostwrite, ghostwriter, go back, go home, hairpin, heat up, hectograph, heighten, homograph, homonym, homophone, hop up, hot up, hypocritical, icon, idem, identical, identical same, idol, image, imitate, imitation, immediately, increase, indirection, infold, ingeminate, insincere, intensify, interfold, jazz up, key up, lap over, lapel, lappet, likeness, living image, living picture, locum tenens, magnify, make complex, makeshift, manifold, match, matched, mate, metaphor, metonymy, microcopy, microfilm, middle, mimeo, mimeograph, miniature, mirror image, mirroring, model, multigraph, multiply by two, next best thing, no other, none other, obliquity, on the run, paired, parrot, pererration, perfidious, personnel, phony, photograph, picture, pinch hitter, pinch-hit, plagiarize, plait, plat, pleat, plica, plicate, plication, plicature, ply, portrait, proxy, put back, quadruplicate, quickly, quill, quote, rambling, ramify, reciprocal, redo, redouble, reduplicate, reecho, reflection, regurgitate, reincarnate, reinforce, relief, relieve, renew, repeat, repetition, replace, replacement, replica, replicate, replication, represent, representation, representative, reproduce, reproduction, resemblance, reserves, return, revive, ringer, rubbing, ruche, ruching, ruff, ruffle, say again, second, second string, secondary, selfsame, semblance, shadow, shake, shake off, sharpen, sheer, shift, shifting, shifting course, shifting path, shifty, shuffle out of, shun, shy, sign, similitude, simulacrum, skew, skirt, slant, slippery, soup up, spares, spell, spell off, spit, spit and image, spitting image, stand in for, stand-in, stat, step up, straying, strengthen, sub, subrogate, substituent, substitute, substitute for, substitution, succedaneum, succeed, supersede, superseder, supplant, supplanter, supplement, surrogate, swap places with, sweep, swerve, swerving, swinging, symbol, synecdoche, synonym, tack, the same, the same difference, third string, token, trace, tracing, traitorous, transcribe, treacherous, tricky, triple, triplicate, tuck, turn, turn back, turn over, turning, twain, twice, twill, twin, twinned, twist, two, two-faced, two-level, two-ply, two-sided, two-story, twofold, understudy, understudy for, utility player, variation, veer, veering, very image, very picture, very same, vicar, vice-president, vice-regent, wandering, warp, whet, without delay, wraith, yaw, zigzag,