[down] adv [ME doun, fr. OE dune, short for adune, of dune, fr. a- (fr. of), of off, from + dune, dat. of dun hill] (bef. 12c) 1 a (1): toward or in a lower physical position (2): to a lying or sitting position (3): toward or to the ground, floor, or bottom b: as a down payment "paid $10 ~" c: on paper "put ~ what he says"
2: in a direction that is the opposite of up: as a: southward b: to or toward a point away from the speaker or the speaker's point of reference
3: to a lesser degree, level, or rate "cool ~ tensions"
4: to or toward a lower position in a series
5. a: to or in a lower or worse condition or status b--used to indicate completion "dusted ~ the house"
6: from a past time 7: to or in a state of less activity or prominence 8: to a concentrated state "got the report ~ to three pages" 9: into defeat "voted the motion ~" -- down to the ground : perfectly, completely "that suits me down to the ground"
[2]down prep (14c): down along, around, through, toward, in, into, or on "fell ~ the stairs" "~ the years" [3]down vt (1562) 1: to cause to go or come down
2: to cause (a football) to be out of play
3: defeat ~ vi: to go down [4]down adj (ca. 1565) 1 a (1): occupying a low position; specif: lying on the ground "~ timber" (2): directed or going downward "attendance is ~" b: lower in price c: not being in play in football because of wholly stopped progress or because the officials stop the play d: defeated or trailing an opponent (as in points scored) "~ by two runs" e in baseball: out
2. a: reduced or low in activity or intensity "a ~ economy" b: not operating or able to function "the computer is ~" c: depressed, dejected; also: depressing "a ~ movie" d: sick "~ with flu"
3: done, finished "eight ~ and two to go"
4: completely mastered "had her lines ~"--often used with pat
5. slang: cool
7. "a ~ dude"
6: being a quark with an electric charge of -1/3, zero charm, and zero strangeness "a ~ quark"--compare
5. 7: being on record "you're ~ for two tickets" -- down on : having a low opinion of or dislike for [5]down n (1710) 1: descent, depression
2: an instance of putting down 3 a: a complete play to advance the ball in football b: one of a series of four attempts in American football or three attempts in Canadian football to advance the ball
10. yards
4. chiefly Brit: dislike, grudge
5: downer [6]down n [ME doun hill, fr. OE dun] (14c) 1: an undulating usu. treeless upland with sparse soil--usu. used in pl.
2. often cap: a sheep of any breed originating in the downs of southern England [7]down n [ME doun, fr. ON dunn] (14c) 1: a covering of soft fluffy feathers; also: these feathers
2: something soft and fluffy like down